Current Weather Conditions at Waynesville, Ohio
Location: Waynesville, Ohio USA - N39° 31.698' W84° 05.062'
Report Generated: 4/25/24   5:38:07a 
Updated every 5 minutes.
Weather Observations Data    

Hi: 86.4 °F on
4/16/24 4:22p
Low: 23.6
°F on 3/01/24 7:20a

  Hi: 100% on
3/02/24 10:25p
Low: 34
% on  3/20/24 5:33p


Dew Point:36.1°F
Heat Index:41.6°F
Wind Chill:41.6°F
Total Rainfall:15.14in.
Rainfall Today:0.00in.
Barometer: 30.29in. (steady)
The highest Windspeed reading was 39.0mph recorded on 4/17/24 4:58p
The lowest Dew Point reading was 12.5°F recorded on 3/01/24 9:48a

Conditions Inside Waynesville, Ohio - Weather Forcast Office
Inside Temperature: 76.0°F
Inside Humidity: 33%

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Site Created and Maintained by Homer G. Ramby
Waynesville, Ohio